Moon Landing A Risky Operation, Says ISRO's Dr M Annadurai

Soft landing on the moon is an operation fraught with challenges and more than 50 per cent of the lunar landing missions have failed. India's 3.8 tonne Chandrayaan-2 satellite has been in space since July 22. The big test will come on early morning of September 7 when Vikram lander goes in to land on the South Pole region of the moon. NDTV's Science Editor Pallava Bagla spoke exclusively to Dr M Annadurai, Former Director, ISRO Satellite Center. He is the man who initiated the work on Chandrayaan-2 and has lived and re-lived the whole landing sequence in his mind and computer hundreds of times. Dr Annadurai is known as 'India's Moon Man' as he was the project director for India's maiden mission to the moon, Chandrayaan-1 launched in 2008.