National Girl Child Day: How Close Are We To Gender Equality?

Today is National Girl Child's Day. The latest NFHS data shows our education and basic health indicators have improved significantly. More girls are in schools and colleges than they ever were. More births happen in hospitals now, making it better for both mothers and children. Access to sanitary napkins and reproductive health have improved, but there is so much one can do to improve the financial, sexual, and personal autonomy that elude a large section of women. Today, with the help of experts we will look at the march of the girl child for a life of equal nutrition, education, employment, and of course, personal freedoms of mobility, choices of marriage, and motherhood. How far have we come to show our girls they are second to none? How much have we succeeded and what more can we do? To discuss this we have Mitali Nikore, Chief economist and founder Nikore Associates, Prabir Jha, founder & CEO Prabir Jha People Advisor and Poonam Muttreja who is the Executive Director of the Population Foundation of India.