Nehru Responsible For Degeneration Of Hindu Culture: Gita Press Editor

This week's episode of Walk The Talk features the trustees and Editor-in-Chief of Gita Press, Gorakhpur which has been an institution of iconography of the Sanatan ideology of the Hindu religion. This organisation was founded by JD Goenka in 1923 as a publishing house of the Hindu holy book Bhagavad Gita and currently its archives have 3,500 manuscripts of over 100 interpretations of the Gita. On the question of Ram Mandir movement, Lal Mani Tiwari one of the trustees opines that since Ayodhya is the birth place of Lord Ram, a Ram temple has to be constructed at the disputed site. Editor-in-Chief, Gita Press Radheshyam Khemka strongly rebuffs Former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's functioning saying, "Nehru was solely responsible for the degeneration of the Hindu culture."