One Nation, One Election: Practical Or Advantage BJP?

It was supposed to have been the Prime Minister's first big effort at reaching out to the opposition after the new government was sworn in. But, the meeting called to look at the implementation of 'one nation, one election' turned out to be a flop with several opposition parties choosing not to attend. The elections are over, but some would say the simmering discontent within the opposition lingers - others would say regional parties are trying to protect their turf , while still others would say big national parties like the BJP have all to gain at the expense of smaller opposition parties. As we start this episode of The Big Fight, here is a fact that not many may be aware of: The first general elections to the Lok Sabha and all State Legislative Assemblies were held together in 1951-52. That practice continued over three subsequent general elections held in the years - 1957, 1962 and 1967.

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