One Rank One Pension: Has Government Overruled Veterans?

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

One Rank One Pension: Has Government Overruled Veterans?

Details have emerged on just how the government wants to implement One Rank One Pension. The government has planned to announce the implementation of OROP in the next 48 hours. Veterans on strike say it's a "unilateral" decision as they have not signed off on any proposal. Has the government made it clear that enough is enough? Is there still scope for negotiation? Or have the veterans overplayed their cards? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.

Is RSS-BJP Meeting Sign of New Kinship or Remote Control?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today attended a meeting between the RSS and the government. This is the biggest meeting between the RSS and the Cabinet Ministers since 2003. The Prime Minister and his colleagues explained the focus of their governance and left but not before being advised on the path they need to pursue. Is this a remote control? Should this be seen as the well-intentioned advice of Swayamsevaks for their fellow Swayamsevaks?

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