Opposition Draws Rafale Link: What Led To CBI Chief Being Set On Leave?

The Director of the CBI was told to go on leave after the National Security Advisor ordered action after midnight. And the man Alok Verma has been battling, his No 2 Rakesh Asthana has also been asked to go on leave. The CBI director's team, including the man investigating allegations against Asthana, has been transferred by the new CBI chief, a man who has reportedly faced investigations in the past. Meanwhile, Mr Asthana's team stays. The Opposition has alleged that all of this is no coincidence. They claim that Alok Verma, as CBI chief, was on the verge of opening up the Rafale case for investigation which is why the government wanted him out. The government has replied and said the Opposition charges are rubbish. On Trending @ 10, what led to the midnight 'coup' at the CBI.

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