Outrage Over Writer Abhijit Iyer-Mitra's Arrest: Are His Remarks Really Malicious?

Journalist Abhijit Iyer-Mitra is in judicial custody in Odisha after remarks which were deemed to be offensive and defamatory. Mr Iyer's remarks on the Konark temple, his supporters say, were made in jest and were not malicious. Now there is an online petition as well which calls for his release. The petition appeals against censorship and the misuse of archaic sections of the law which define what constitutes a violation of the freedom of speech. There is a fair bit of irony in all of this. In his remarks on Twitter earlier, Mr Iyer had himself said that charges of 'hurting sentiments' should be applied against the scholar Audrey Truschke. Now, Abhijit Iyer Mitra is in jail on the same laws. Were his free-wheeling tweets and comments acts of stupidity? Was there an intent to hurt or is the Delhi-based journalist a victim of Odia politics? We debate on Trending @ 10.