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Nelson Mandela, symbol of freedom

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

Nelson Mandela, symbol of freedom

Nelson Mandela, an apostle of peace - the man who took South Africa out of its apartheid past and continued to inspire millions of people around the world - is dead at the age of 95. There is sadness in many parts of the world. But in Johannesburg, there is a celebration of the life of the great man through song and dance - celebrations, no doubt, tinged with a sense of incredible loss. In India, both Houses of Parliament were adjourned in a show of respect. Join us as we discuss the impact Nelson Mandela had on South Africa, his close ties with India and the indelible mark he has left on the world with a very special panel of people who share their personal stories about Madiba.

Has Uttar Pradesh government failed the victims of Muzaffarnagar riots?

Has anything fundamentally changed for the victims of the Muzaffarnagar riots? Three months after the horror of the communal clashes, a team from the Centre for Policy Analysis has visited Muzaffarnagar in Western Uttar Pradesh and their conclusions are a strong indictment of the state government and other political parties, including the BJP and Congress. Will the riot survivors, who are currently caught up in the competitive politics of the state, ever find relief? Will those who instigated the riots be brought to book? And is the Centre's proposed Communal Violence Bill the answer to the prayers of those whose lives have been ripped apart in communal and sectarian violence? We discuss on The Buck Stops Here.