Protecting Yourself Against The Novel Coronavirus: Prevention Is The Key

Since the first case, reported from Wuhan, China in December 2019, the novel coronavirus has claimed over 7,500 lives across the globe and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Governments across the world are taking extreme measures, from lockdowns to travel restrictions, to curb the spread of the virus. The Indian government too has imposed travel restrictions and shut down schools, colleges, cinema halls among other public places, as it adopts the policy of 'precaution, not panic'. Maintaining increased personal hygiene like washing your hands with soap or using a sanitizer in the absence of a soap as well as coughing and sneezing etiquettes, can go a long way in protecting yourself and those around you from the infection. In addition to following all these precautions, also be careful of what you believe out of the several messages being circulated on different social media platforms about preventing the virus.

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