Protests Against Elon Musk, Donald Trump In Washington DC Over Shuttering Of USAID

The protest largely focused on the administration's decision to put all directly hired employees of the U.S. agency for International Development (USAID) on leave globally and recall thousands of personnel working overseas. Protesters chanted, calling for Musk's to leave the administration. U.S. Senators including Maryland's Chris Van Hollen and New Jersey's Corey Booker, rallied supporters, laying out plans for legal challenges and calling on protestors to continuing speaking out in support of USAID. USAID's workforce totals more than 10,000, with about two-thirds of that staff serving overseas, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS). The agency has more than 60 country and regional missions. For USAID staff overseas, Washington was preparing a plan in coordination with the State Department and would pay for the return travel of personnel to the United States within 30 days, the announcement said. It added that the USAID leadership was going to consider case-by-case exceptions based on personal hardship or concerns over mobility and safety. #USAID #USSecretary #MarcoRubio #DonaldTrump #NDTVWorld #USLatestNews #USNewsToday #DonaldTrump

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