The Rule continues its phenomenal run at the box office. On day 12, the Sukumar directorial collected ₹27.75 crore, as reported by Sacnilk. Out of this, ₹5.45 crore came from Telugu screenings, ₹21 crore from the Hindi belt, ₹1 crore from Tamil screenings and ₹15 lakh each from the Kannada and Malayalam markets. On its second Monday, the film recorded an overall 24.80% Telugu occupancy. So far, the action-drama has amassed a massive ₹929.85 crore in the domestic market. Pushpa 2: The Rule features Allu Arjun as Pushpa Raj and Rashmika Mandanna as Srivalli On Monday, Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the Pushpa 2: The Rule Weekend 2 box office figures on Instagram. In his post, he highlighted the film's record-breaking success.