Javadekar Vs Tharoor: Who Is Winning The Sedition Debate?

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

Javadekar Vs Tharoor: Who Is Winning The Sedition Debate?

On The Buck Stops Here, Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar and Congress lawmaker Shashi Tharoor face off on who's on the front foot in the sedition debate. And has patriotism become the new punching bag?

Dissent, If It's Only Speech, Has No Limit: Chidambaram On JNU Row

"Dissent, as long as it is expressed in speech, has really no limit. Speech is free, full stop," said former Home Minister P Chidambaram weighing in on the sedition debate. Speaking to NDTV, he called the sedition charge against JNU students "outrageous" and said, if he were the Home Minister, he would have ordered the Delhi Police Commissioner to release Kanhaiya Kumar and withdraw the sedition charge. Mr Chidambaram also responded to former Home Secretary GK Pillai's claim that Lashkar reference to Ishrat Jehan was changed at the political level. "The original affidavit did say that A, B, C, D were terrorists, but the IB's position was we don't name or charge anyone as terrorists... therefore a second affidavit had to be filed to clarify (that)," he said adding that he "owns the decision" to file the second affidavit but "others can't disown it either".

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