Shame The Rapist Campaign: Will India Respond?

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

Shame The Rapist campaign: Will India respond?

All the laws may have changed. There may now be record numbers of women speaking out and seeking legal action against those who have molested or raped them but there are still people out there who brutalise women and children and don't think twice about it. People who smile to a camera as they gang-rape a woman and then, happily, distribute the video on WhatsApp. This is a reality and a culture of shame that we live in. Sunitha Krishnan, a rape survivor herself, joins us on The Buck Stops Here as we discuss her big campaign #shametherapist. Will India respond? Will the government act?

Should government take Obama's 'religious intolerance' remark seriously?

US President Barack Obama has said that acts of intolerance experienced by religious faiths of all types in India in the past few years would have shocked Mahatma Gandhi. Should the government take Obama's remark seriously? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.