Shashi Tharoor | Shashi Tharoor Admits Misjudging India’s Stance On Russia-Ukraine War

On being asked about India's decision to buy fuel from Russia amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said, "I am still wiping the egg off my face because I was the one person in the parliamentary debate who had criticised the Indian position in February 2022 on the grounds of violation of international charters & principles...Well, 3 years later, it does look like I am the one with egg on my face because clearly, the policy has meant that India has a Prime Minister who can hug both the President of Ukraine and the President of Moscow two weeks apart and we are accepted in both places. Therefore, India is in a position where it can make a difference to lasting peace if it was so required in ways that very few countries would be able to...


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