The Aarey Debate: Is Bollywood Polarized?

The Mumbai metro's plan to build a car shed has landed in a huge controversy with members of the civil society now up in arms against the decision of chopping trees. But interestingly, Bollywood too is polarised on this issue. Some cinestars saying that all needs to be done to protect the trees from being felled and then others tweeting that the Mumbai metro will ease traffic congestion and will build next gen infrastructure for the city, a cryptic support perhaps of the decision. This has led to a classic debate which goes on in the context of all cities - development at what cost? Is this the best solution? What is being done to compensate for the green cover lost? Many city dwellers complained that the alternatives are never as strong. We talk about the Aarey controversy, Bollywood's foray into this debate, and the larger question of environment protection since tomorrow a huge climate strike is going to be observed in various cities across the country.