The Biggest Stories of November 6, 2016

Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said that in view of the intense air pollution in Delhi, all schools will remain closed for three days and all constructions and demolitions will be banned for five days; As Pakistan violated ceasefire again to facilitate infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir -- in which two soldiers died and two others were injured - Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh sounded a warning to the neighbouring country, saying "look us in the eye and fight us. We will emerge victorious"; Police dragging away the mother of Najeeb Ahmed - the missing student of Delhi's prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University - became the abiding image of the day, widely shared by indignant social media users as the cops cracked down on a students' protest near India Gate this evening. Najeeb's mother, sister and many of the students were later detained by the police; all this and more in our news wrap of the day.

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