The Fast Track To Death Penalty: Death Sentence In 4 Weeks

Over the last few weeks, we've had an overdose of bad news coming in concerning children. The rape of the most vulnerable group of them in a Bihar shelter home, some of them disabled so they couldn't even protest, has shaken us all and so as per expectation there was not much opposition when the amendment to criminal law bill was passed making child rape punishable by death and completing trial in all such cases in two months. Tonight, on Reality Check, we look at the implication of these tough laws and fastracking cases so quickly. The most shocking case like the Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder took seven months to end in trial, so is it possible to chargesheet, try and punish in less than a month? It has happened in Madhya Pradesh in many cases. Tonight, we discuss the fast track to death penalty.

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