The Hidden Rock Art Of Ladakh

Ladakh has for long been a crossroads marked by the passage of many peoples, who have left their imprint over the ages. A vital transit route with linkages to Central Asia since prehistoric times, it later connected the Silk Road. Tracing back to the past, hands long gone into dust have marked their passage, their way of life, milieu, beliefs, traditions, carved onto rock, and left for the ages a lasting record. This testament to their passage is scattered at sites across Ladakh. Sometimes right next to busy roads, sometimes in remote, hard to access locations. Unfortunately, not much is known about this record, not much cared about. This legacy which has survived the millennia is now fragile and in danger. Priceless rock art is being wantonly destroyed largely through ignorance. Mapping this treasure, documenting and spreading awareness about this endangered legacy is a small group of individuals, who have been doing this as a labour of love for over a decade-and-a-half. This is all about this abiding relationship between rock and man then and now.

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