The NDTV Dialogues: Decoding Aamir Khan

This week, in conversation with one of the leading actors in the Indian film industry, Aamir Khan. The versatile actor talks about turning 50, his career, controversies and more. He also tells NDTV why he'll never join active politics and how he has a lot of hopes from PM Modi and his government: "We are hoping that they deliver all the promises they made." Asked if he was concerned about remarks by people like Sadhvi Prachi who asked for the Khan films to be boycotted and posters torn up, he retorted, " it has no impact... when ekka dukka people who come up and say, you know in life all kinds of people say all kinds of things." On concerns expressed by church leaders about safety and issues like the beef ban he said, "When minorities are threatened or majority, anyone is threatened... we look towards our leaders to take a strong and firm action but when we see silence from the people who we have selected in situations like this, it is disappointing." (Read transcript here)

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