"There's Acceptance US Can't Do Things Alone": Ex Director, National Security Council Secretariat

India and the US are taking their strategic partnership to the next milestone - the two countries are now engaged over a range of strategic, security and defence issues under the initiative for Critical and emerging technology or the iCET. India says iCET aims to position the two countries as trusted technology partners. Senior US administration officials are calling this move even bigger than the 2006 civil nuclear deal moment. But, is the underlined message here really for China? Dr Tara Kartha, Former Director of National Security Council Secretariat, says "This is different not just in terms of China but also the fact that in the next few years globally there is an economic crunch. There is an acceptance in the US that they can't do things alone. Matters have changed and they also want help from other countries. A massive amount of talent is available in India."

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