Manipur News | Total Shutdown In Kuki-Zo Areas Of Manipur in Protest Against Deaths Of 10 Youths

As a mark of protest over the deaths of 10 Kuki-Zo youths, whom security forces have claimed to be militants, but whom the Kuki-Zo civil society has identified as village volunteers, civil society groups are observing a total shutdown in Kuki-Zo dominated areas today. The shutdown is being held 'to express our collective grief and solidarity for those who were brutally shot dead,' stated the Kuki-Zo Council. During this shutdown, only medical personnel, ambulances, media, and essential services like electricity and water supply will be exempted. #KukiZoProtest #TotalShutdown #ManipurProtests #KukiZoCouncil #JusticeForKukiZo #KukiZoYouths #ManipurCrisis #CivilSocietyProtests #KukiZoSolidarity #KukiZoVillageVolunteers #ManipurShutdown #KukiZoGrief #ProtestForJustice #ManipurViolence #KukiZoRights #StopBrutalKillings #KukiZoUnity #ProtestAgainstSecurityForces #ManipurNews #KukiZoCommunity #SolidarityInProtest #NDTVDigitalOriginals

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