"Rishi Sunak Bears Responsibility For Defeat": UK MP Jo Johnson To NDTV

From 'Worst campaign in British political history', to 'whatever Sunak's game plan was', Conservative MP Jo Joshnson blasts former PM Rishi Sunak for the devastating loss his party faced today.
Johnson speaks to NDTV about the 'sombering night' ahead for the Tories, and the difficult road ahead. Johnson imagines the coming weeks will challenge the Conservative Party with a 'battle of identities' as people's ambitions take over. He is also apprehensive about how many Conservatives will actually be left in the House of Commons in coming weeks.

The UK's Labour Party swept to power after winning the country's general election, crossing the 326-seat threshold for a working majority in the House of Commons.
Keir Starmer will be Britain's next prime minister with his centre left Labour Party expected to win a huge majority in a parliamentary election, ending 14 years of often tumultuous Conservative government by trouncing Rishi Sunak's party. Rishi Sunak conceded defeat after multiple cabinet members lost their seats and the scale of the Tory defeat became clear.