Tunnel Collapse Telangana | Uttam Reddy On SLBC Tunnel Collapse: "Commotted Towards Saving..."

SLBS Tunnel Accident | The race to find eight workers trapped in the collapsed Telangana tunnel has taken a turn for the worse - with less than 50 metres between rescuers and the buried section - after a one-metre-increase in the wall of slush threatening to bury them, NDTV was told Monday evening, 48 hours after the collapse. Rescue operations may be forced to slow down, NDTV was then told, after experts, including one from Australia, raised questions about the stability of the collapsed section. Any more digging, it is believed could not only further endanger the trapped workers but also risk the lives of those trying to save them. So far five teams have gone into the tunnel; the last, which included geologists and drone experts, left at 3.30pm and is expected to return later this evening. But it is the feedback from the fourth, which went in at 1am today and returned saying the previously seven-metre-high slush wall is now at least a metre higher, that has caused concern.

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