Was President's 'anarchy' comment a message for AAP?

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

Was President's 'anarchy' comment a message for AAP?

On The Buck Stops Here weekend edition on India's 65th Republic Day, we discuss the message for the Congress, AAP and the BJP in President Pranab Mukheerjee's speech. Was the President referring to AAP when he said Government is not a charity shop and populist anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance. Was the President talking about people's power to the BJP, Congress and other parties in government when he said 'False promises lead to disillusionment which gives birth to rage. That rage has one legitimate target: Those in power.' Isn't that a reference to all governments in the country for the last 64 years. We debate.

Kamal Haasan on winning the Padma Bhushan

Padma Bhushan awardee 'Ullaganayagan' (world star) Kamal Haasan speaks to NDTV on how applause sometimes is equal to the highest awards and how he hopes it won't come to the stage when he has to threaten self-exile again.

India's squash queen Dipika Pallikal on being awarded the Padma Shri

22-year-old Padma Shri awardee Dipika Pallikal, the world number 12, who aims to be the number one squash player in the world speaks to NDTV on her latest honour.

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