We The People - Marital Rape: Eyes Wide Shut?

The Centre, this week, told Parliament that the concept of marital rape does not apply in India as marriage is treated as sacred here. The government also said that "presently there is no proposal to bring any amendment to the IPC in this regard." Despite Law Commission's report in 2000 and Justice Verma panel's recommendations in 2013, marital rape continues to be unrecognised by law. Parliamentary panel has said no to legal recognition of marital rape saying it has "the potential of destroying the institution of marriage". A 27-year-old marital rape survivor moved the Supreme Court to declare marital rape a criminal offence, but the court refused to entertain the petition saying it can't decide on an individual case. The lawyers will now petition the Supreme Court again with more data. On We The People, we ask: why is India still in denial about marital rape? Are the lawmakers stuck in a time warp? With Parliament saying no, will the courts intervene? Also, will a law recognising marital rape be liable to misuse?

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