What is The Best Mode of Investment?

Real estate prices are down; stocks have seen some correction and the price of gold hasn't sky rocketed. The festival and wedding season is upon us, so is this the right time for investment and if so then what is the best mode of investment? Equity, residential property, gold, debt bonds or SIP-systematic investment planning? Generally the safest bet has been government schemes such as Fixed Deposits, PPF etc., but the rate of inflation has been higher than the returns in the last few years. So is it time to look beyond secured small savings schemes? What would common people do when it comes to equity? Should they leave it on fund managers or should a rookie person stay clear off the stock market as there are too much speculations. Will gold provide a cushion during hard times or should one invest in real estate right now to make a killing a few years down the line? If you are planning your investment but still considering where to put your money this is one Big Fight you must watch.

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