What's Your Choice With Kailash Satyarthi

Do something, or do nothing - What's Your Choice? For seven weeks we've asked this question through a series of social experiments on our show What's Your Choice. Scenes of injustice acted out in public places to see if we Indians will step in, speak out against what is wrong and stand up for what is right.

For seven weeks we've seen hero after hero intervene and speak up against social injustice. To recognise each of those individual acts of heroism and to hopefully inspire many more in the future, this special episode of the show features all those people who intervened on behalf of someone they thought was being treated unjustly.

Most importantly, we are lucky to be joined on the show by a man who has shown the world how to break the silence with his own fight against child labour - 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi.

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