"World's Worst Human Rights Records": India's Sharp Dig At Pakistan | Read

India has reiterated that matters pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are "purely internal" and Pakistan cannot comment on its domestic matters. The strong remarks came a day after Pakistan's caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar raised the Kashmir bogey at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. "Pakistan has become a habitual offender when it comes to misusing this August forum to peddle baseless and malicious propaganda against India," Petal Gahlot, First Secretary for second committee of General Assembly, said on Saturday. It does so to deflect the world's attention away from its own "abysmal record" on human rights, she added. Pakistan must shut down its "infrastructure of terrorism" immediately, India said as it listed three steps for its neighbour to ensure peace in South Asia.

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