Yakub Memon Hanged: Has Justice Been Served?

Some say that Yakub Memon was the crucial link that helped Indian security agencies pinpoint the blame on Pakistan's intelligence agency, ISI, for 1993 Mumbai blasts. Few support his claim that Yakub wasn't arrested but he 'surrendered' before investigative agencies as he was desperate to get out from a life of confinement in Pakistan. Others, however, are not willing to show any mercy and feel he was responsible for the 93 Mumbai blast that saw 257 people killed and hundreds injured. Where does the truth lie? Was Yakub hanged for the sins of his notorious brother Tiger Memon, who was the mastermind behind the blast? If that is indeed the case then has justice been served? What about the larger question of capital punishment, does it act as a deterrent? Should death penalty be abolished altogether?

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