
Common COVID-19 Vaccines Myths Busted


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Myth: One can catch COVID-19 from the vaccine

Fact: No, vaccine cannot cause COVID-19. It helps develop immunity by imitating an infection and causes immune system to produce antibodies.

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Myth: Vaccine is not needed post COVID recovery

Fact: Take the vaccine irrespective of having COVID-19 in the past as it will enable a strong immune response. The first dose of vaccine should be taken three months after recovering.

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MythCOVID Vaccine could cause infertility

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to suggest that COVID Vaccine could cause infertility in either men/women.

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MythWomen should not get vaccinated 5 days before or after menstruation

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to indicate that vaccination should be avoided during or around menstruation.

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MythIt is safe for people who have had allergic reactions to vaccines in the past to get vaccinated for COVID-19

FactPeople with allergies have been advised to avoid the vaccine for now. They should consult a doctor before getting vaccinated.  

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Myth: No need to follow COVID protocols after vaccination

Fact: One should follow measures like wearing masks, cleaning hands, social distancing even after vaccination.

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Myth: It is mandatory to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Fact: Getting vaccinated is voluntary, but, it is advisable to take it to limit the spread of virus.

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Myth: Made-in-India vaccines are less effective compared to others

Fact: COVID-19 vaccines made in India have undergone multiple tests and trials and are effective.

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