Here are the recommendations for caregivers of COVID-19 patients from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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The caregiver of COVID-19 patient at home should wear a triple layer medical mask
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N95 mask may be considered when the caregiver is going into the COVID-19 patient's room
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Caregivers should take care of hand hygiene, it should be practised before, after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever hands look dirty
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Use soap and water for hand washing for at least 40 seconds or use alcohol-based hand rub, if hands are not visibly dirty
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Caregivers should perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves or after exposure to patient's environment
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Caregivers should avoid direct contact with body fluids of the patient. The use of disposable gloves while handling the patient is recommended
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Caregivers should avoid exposure to potentially contaminated items in immediate environment - avoid sharing cigarettes, eating utensils, dishes, used towels or bed linen
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Utensils and dishes used by the patient should be cleaned with soap/detergent and water, with caregiver wearing gloves and mask at all times
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At all times, caregivers should avoid touching their own face, nose or mouth
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If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, it must be changed immediately