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Children with COVID-19 may experience - Fever, sore throat/throat irritation, diarrhoea, cough, body achescript async custom-element="amp-story-auto-ads" src="">

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

It is advised, infants and younger children to stay under immediate care of parents/guardians if advised home isolation. 

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

There are no specific medication required for treating COVID-19 infection in children. They can also continue medications for other conditions, if any.

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

It is advised children should also follow COVID appropriate behaviour like wearing mask, maintaining good hand hygiene and social distance.

Video credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Masks are not recommended for children aged 5 years and under, children aged 6-11 years may wear a mask depending on their ability.

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Children aged 12 years and above should wear a mask under the same conditions as adults.

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Fluids and feeds: Ensure oral fluids to maintain hydration and nutritious diet.

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

If the child is experiencing cough, give throat soothing agents like warm water, warm saline gargles are advised for older children. 

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Caregivers should maintain monitoring chart and look for cold extremities, urine output, oxygen saturation, fluid intake & activity level.

Image credit: Unsplash | Text: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Image credit: Unsplash

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