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Vaccine Doses: Frequently Asked qUESTIONS

What is prescribed gap between the two doses of COVID-19 vaccine?

Image: Unsplash | text: WHO

The time interval between two doses of the COVID vaccine in India:
 Covishield: 12-16 weeks
Covaxin:  4-6 weeks
Sputnik V: 21 days 

Image: Unsplash | Text: MoHFW

Is it important to receive both doses of the same vaccine or can one mix the vaccines?

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

WHO's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan has advised individuals against mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines.

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

Trials are on in some countries to test the efficacy of mixing doses of two separate vaccines for better protection

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

However, at present there is not much data available, the policy advice from WHO recommends that one should have one should have both the doses of the same vaccine.

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

Can one opt for the vaccine that one wants?

Image: Unsplash | Text: MoHFW

At present the option of choosing a vaccine is not available

Image: Unsplash | Text: MoHFW

How long does it take for immunity to kick in after vaccination against COVID?

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

After the first dose it takes about two weeks for immune response to set in. The second dose then acts as a boost to this immune response.

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

After receiving both the doses of the vaccine, how long does the immunity against COVID-19 last?

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

Currently it is not known how long the immunity against COVID-19 lasts after vaccination.

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

Image credit: Unsplash

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