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Mixing Of Covaxin & Covishield Vaccine: What WE KNOW SO FAR

Indian Council Of Medical Research recently revealed that the mix of two vaccines  – Covishield and Covaxin, can actually yield better results.

Image: Unsplash 

The study was conducted on 18 people & claims that immunisation with the combination of two vaccines is not only safe but elicited better immunogenity. 

Image:  unsplash | Text: ICMR

To further back this with research, Drugs Controller General Of India has given an approval for study and its clinical trials. 

Image: Unsplash | Text: DCGI

Image: Unsplash | Text: DCGI

The trials now will be conducted by Vellore's Christian Medical College on 300 more people.

The ICMR study said that profile of people who were given mixed vaccine showed that there are similar adverse events to when people are given same doses. 

Image: Unsplash | Text: ICMR

The immunogenicity profile (ability of a foreign substance to provoke an immune response in the body), against variants in people who were given mixed vaccine was superior.

Image: Unsplash | Text: ICMR

The mix-and-match of the vaccine is not a new phenomena, it has also been done in past, it started with HIV research. 

Image: Unsplash 

Experts say that mixing vaccine can actually avoid immunity against a vaccine & can elicit a longer immune response.

Image: Unsplash 

World Health Organisation have not offered any recommendations on mixing of COVID vaccine. 

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

WHO says that data from mix and match studies of different vaccines are awaited - immunogenicity and safety both need to be evaluated.

Image: Unsplash | Text: WHO

Image credit: Unsplash

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