10 Animals That Laugh

Image: Unsplash

6 January 2025

While laughter is often considered a uniquely human trait, several animals display behaviors that resemble laughter, usually in response to play or social interactions

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1. Chimpanzees produce panting sounds during play or tickling, which scientists interpret as a form of laughter

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2. Rats emit high-pitched "chirps" when tickled, which are inaudible to the human ear without special equipment

Image: Pexels

3. Dogs produce a "play-panting" sound during playful interactions, which researchers consider their version of laughter

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4. Dolphins produce a series of whistles and clicks during playful interactions, which some researchers interpret as a form of laughter

Image: X/@hevalecraig

5. The kea parrot, native to New Zealand, makes a unique warbling sound during play that seems to encourage other keas to join in

Image: X/@Rainmaker1973

6. Like chimpanzees, gorillas produce laughter-like sounds during tickling or play. These vocalizations are believed to reflect their enjoyment and reinforce social bonds

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7. Orangutans produce panting or chuckling sounds during playful activities, which serve a similar purpose to laughter in humans

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8. Hyenas are famous for their "laughter," though it is more of a vocalisation used for communication. Their "giggles" indicate excitement, nervousness, or submission rather than amusement

Image: X/@MrBlackOG

9. Some penguin species produce vocalizations during social interactions that resemble chuckling, particularly during playful or bonding behaviors

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10. Elephants are highly social animals that produce a variety of vocalizations. In playful contexts, they emit sounds that some researchers believe resemble laughter

Image: X/@supriyasahuias

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