10 Animals That Will Be Extinct By 2050

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27 July 2024

Predicting exact species that will be extinct by 2050 is challenging due to many variables, but several species are currently at high risk of extinction

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Here are ten animals that are critically endangered and may face extinction if conservation efforts are not successful

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1. Vaquita: This small porpoise from the Gulf of California is the most endangered marine mammal, with fewer than 10 individuals remaining due to bycatch in illegal gillnets


2. Sumatran Orangutan: Native to the island of Sumatra, these orangutans face severe habitat loss due to deforestation and palm oil plantations

Image: X/@OrangutanTOP

3. Amur Leopard: With fewer than 100 individuals in the wild, this leopard species from the Russian Far East is threatened by habitat destruction and poaching

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4. Javan Rhino: Only about 74 individuals remain in the Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. Their habitat is highly susceptible to natural disasters

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5. Hawksbill Turtle: This sea turtle is critically endangered due to illegal trade of its shell, loss of nesting and feeding habitats, and accidental capture in fishing gear

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6. Cross River Gorilla: Found in Nigeria and Cameroon, fewer than 300 remain due to habitat destruction and poaching

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7. Northern White Rhinoceros: Only two females remain, both in captivity, making this subspecies functionally extinct

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8. Sumatran Elephant: This elephant species from Sumatra faces habitat loss and fragmentation due to deforestation and human-wildlife conflict

Image: X/@philip_ciwf

9. Saola: Often referred to as the "Asian unicorn," this elusive species from Vietnam and Laos is critically endangered due to hunting and habitat loss

Image: X/@rewild

10. Yangtze Finless Porpoise: Native to the Yangtze River in China, this porpoise is critically endangered due to pollution, ship traffic, and habitat destruction

Image: X/@MMCCLA

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