10 Animals With Super Senses 

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05 September 2024

From bats and owls to snakes and bees, here are 10 animals with special senses that give them an edge over our human senses 

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Bats (Echolocation) - Known to be creatures of the night, bats are great sound navigators. They use echolocation to search for food and fight their way in the dark 

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Sharks (Electroreceptors) - Sharks are equipped with a special sense called electroreception that allows them to detect electric fields produced by the movements of prey 

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Owls have several special senses that help them hunt at night, including binocular vision, and acute hearing

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Snakes (Infrared radiation detection) - Snakes like pythons and vipers can detect the infrared (thermal) radiation emitted by the bodies of the animals they prey 

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Octopus (Polarised vision) - Aside from its flexible physique with eight powerful tentacles, the octopus is one of the unique animals because of its incredible sense of sight

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African Bush Elephant (Sense of smell) - African bush elephants got double the smell-sensing genes from their ancestors during species division

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Catfish (Sense of taste) - This fish with cat-like whiskers has up to 175,000 taste-sensitive cells in its entire body, which help the fish taste its food and locate prey nearby 

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Jewel Beetles (Detect presence of fire) - This tiny creature can smell and detect a burning pine tree that is ten miles away 

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Bees (Sense of earth's magnetic field) - Bees are incredibly hypersensitive. They can detect atmospheric electromagnetic waves that indicate thunderstorms

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Spiders (Sensitive to touch) - Spiders have thin hairlike structures on their legs. They can detect and trace the origin of a vibration created by an object or another animal 

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