10 Animals Without Teeth

Image: Unsplash

17 March 2025

There are many animals that have evolved unique adaptations to obtain and process food without the need for teeth

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1. Starfish (Sea Stars): They use their powerful stomachs to digest prey externally

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2. Squid and Octopuses: They use their beaks to tear food apart, but don't have teeth

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3. Worms: Most worm species don't have teeth, instead using their muscular pharynx to ingest food

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4. Slugs and Snails: They use their radula (a tongue-like structure with tiny projections) to scrape up plant material

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5. Corals: They use tiny, tentacle-like structures called cnidocytes to capture small prey

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6. Jellyfish: They use their stinging tentacles to capture prey, which is then digested externally

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7. Lampreys: Although they have a suction cup-like mouth, lampreys don't have teeth. Instead, they use their razor-sharp gill rakers to scrape flesh from their prey

Image: X/@NHM_WPY

8. Anteaters: While they do have small, vestigial teeth, anteaters primarily use their long, sticky tongues to gather ants and termites

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9. Ducks and Geese: Although they have a beak, waterfowl don't have teeth. They use their beaks to filter food from the water

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10. Spiders: They inject digestive enzymes into prey and suck up the liquefied nutrients

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