10 Best Low-Maintenance Houseplants 

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17 June 2024

We all want to keep plants at our homes, but don't want the responsibility of taking care of them and giving them constant attention

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Here's some low maintenance houseplants that are easy to grow and hard to kill, and perfect for people with busy lifestyles

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1. The cactus typically does very well in full sun to partial sun. This plant requires watering once every few weeks and can do okay when only watered every month

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2. Snake Plant is an evergreen low maintenance plant. Overwatering these plants can be harmful as it needs water only once every ten days

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3. Aloe vera plants have sap in their stems and so do not require much watering. You can water it once a week in summer and space the waterings in winter and rainy seasons

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4. ZZ plants can grow in just about any condition, including low-light, dry soil, and low humidity

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5. Pothos thrives in almost any lighting conditions with no direct sun and tolerates low light indoors

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6. Lucky Bamboo can be grown in soil or even just water. It doesn't like direct sun, making it a perfect indoor plant

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7. Spider plants don't need much water and there's no pruning or fertilising needed to help it thrive. They can also survive in bright indirect light and low light 

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8. Jade plant retains water in its round leaves, so it can sometimes survive more than a month without any attention. This popular succulent can live up to 50 years

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9. Monstera Deliciosa requires moderate watering and indirect light . It also loves a warm and humid environment, so they'll do great in bathrooms

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10. Philodendron does very well indoors and works best with twice-weekly waterings at most

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