10 High-Paying, Low-Stress Jobs You Can Pursue

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27 Dec 2024

Water resource specialists earn $157,740 annually, with 86,300 jobs and 8% growth requiring a bachelor's degree

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Astronomers earn $149,530 annually, with 7% growth and a doctoral or professional degree required

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Actuaries earn $120,000 annually, with 23% growth and require only a bachelor's degree

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Environmental economists earn $115,730 annually, with 5% growth, combining skills and requiring a master's degree

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Mathematicians earn $104,860 annually, with 11% growth, requiring a master's degree for entry

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Computer systems analysts earn $103,800 annually, with 11% growth, requiring only a bachelor's degree

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Fuel cell engineers earn $99,510 annually, with 11% growth, working with a bachelor's degree

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Remote sensing scientists earn $92,580 annually, with 5% growth, working with 26,000 jobs and bachelor's degree

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Geographers earn $90,880 annually, with 3% growth, requiring a bachelor's degree for niche market jobs

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Transportation planners earn $81,800 annually, with 4% growth, requiring a master's degree for strategic work

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