10 Largest Caves In The World

10 Largest Caves In The World

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

Image: Unsplash

19 September 2024

10 Largest Caves In The World

Here's a look at the 10 largest caves in the world, based on volume, passage length, or the size of individual chambers

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

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10 Largest Caves In The World

Son Doong Cave, Vietnam: It is the largest cave by volume. It boasts a cavern large enough to house a skyscraper, with an internal ecosystem that includes jungles and a river

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10 Largest Caves In The World

Miao Room, China: This vast underground chamber is the largest known by volume. Found in 1989, it's part of a larger cave system in southern China

Image: Research Gate

Sarisarinama Sinkholes, Venezuela: While these formations are technically sinkholes, the cave system below them ranks among the largest in the world

Image: X/@GeotechTips

Mammoth Cave, USA: The longest cave system in the world, Mammoth Cave is renowned for its vast labyrinth of passages and complex underground network

Image: Research Gate

Sistema Sac Actun, Mexico: The longest underwater cave system in the world, Sac Actun is a network of submerged caves on the Yucatán Peninsula

Image: X/@BKL1021

Krubera Cave, Georgia: The world's second-deepest cave, Krubera, also known as the Voronya Cave, was the deepest cave for many years until surpassed by Veryovkina Cave

Image: X/@Dr_TheHistories

Škocjan Caves, Slovenia: Known for its enormous underground canyon, the Škocjan Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage site

Image: X/@MagicalEurope

Optimisticheskaya Cave, Ukraine: The longest gypsum cave in the world, Optimisticheskaya is known for its complex maze of passages. It's a dry cave system but contains many delicate gypsum crystals.

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Veryovkina Cave, Georgia: The deepest cave in the world, Veryovkina Cave surpasses Krubera Cave in depth. Its exploration has pushed the limits of speleology, with divers reaching record depths.

Image: X/@Rainmaker1973

Sistema Ox Bel Ha, Mexico: Another significant underwater cave system in the Yucatán Peninsula, Sistema Ox Bel Ha is known for its stunning underwater formations and intricate passages

Image: X/@tomaspueyo

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