10 Most Mysterious Disappearances Of All Time

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History is full of instances where people and places have mysteriously disappeared. These include the lost colony of Ranaoke, where 115 people vanished without a clue

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These also include famous people, like Amelia Earhart. These are the stories that will make you scratch your head - if it's secret groups, maybe aliens, or something weirder

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These stories make you question everything you thought you knew about the past. So, here's a trip through history where people disappeared, leaving behind many questions

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Over 50 years ago, a hijacker jumped out of a plane in US with parachute and ransom money. He became known as DB Cooper and has since eluded authorities almost fading into legend

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Another known figure to disappear is Jimmy Hoffa, who became the subject of many movies. The FBI launched and investigation, but he remains missing more than 40 years later

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Amelia Earhart was a renowned pilot, who vanished while trying to fly around the world in 1937. She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

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The disappearance of Lauren Spierer in 2011 shocked many colleges in the US. The 20-year-old vanished after partying at a bar, she was last seen walking alone outside a classmate's apartment

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Al-Hakim, a 10th century king of the Fatimid dynasty, rode out of Cairo one night after ruling for 25 years and was never heard from again, according to Britannica

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Edward V of England was locked away in a tower after a family fight over who will succeed King Edward IV. The young man was never and it is believed that he was killed

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Another fascinating disappearance is that of Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped and sold as a slave. His memoir 'Twelve Years A Slave' was a major hit. He retreated from public eye after 1857

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George Mallory, a seasoned mountain climber, disappeared during an expedition up Mount Everest in 1924. Nine years later, his axe was found, indicating he never made it to the top

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Raoul Wallenberg was a successful Swedish businessman who was recruited for a rescue operation of Jews in 1944. He was arrested by Soviet troops in 1947 and no one knows what happened to him

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Maura Murray sent an email to her professors that she'd be missing class for a week due to a death in the family in 2004 and was never heard from again

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