10 Signs You Have Diabetes

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25 March 2025

Signs and symptoms of diabetes can vary depending on the type and how high your blood sugar levels are. Here are some common signs:

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1. Frequent Urination (Polyuria): Needing to urinate more often, especially at night, as the body tries to flush out excess sugar

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2. Increased Thirst (Polydipsia): Feeling very thirsty due to dehydration from frequent urination

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3. Extreme Hunger (Polyphagia): Increased appetite because the body isn't properly converting food into energy 

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4. Unexplained Weight Loss: Losing weight despite eating normally or more, as the body breaks down fat and muscle for energy

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5. Fatigue: Feeling tired or weak because cells aren't getting enough glucose for energy

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6. Blurred Vision: High blood sugar can cause fluid changes in the eyes, affecting the lens and leading to blurry vision

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7. Slow healing of wounds and Iifections: High blood sugar slows circulation and impairs the immune system, making it harder for wounds to heal

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 8. Frequent Infections: Particularly in the skin, gums, urinary tract, or genitals

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9. Tingling or Numbness in Hands or Feet: Nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) can cause this sensation

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10. Dark Patches of Skin (Acanthosis Nigricans): Dark, velvety patches of skin, usually in body folds like the neck, armpits, or groin, can be a sign of insulin resistance

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