10 Ways To Calm Yourself Down
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20 Oct 2024
Deep breathing techniques, like three-part breathing, help reduce anger and anxiety quickly by disrupting the fight-or-flight response
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Admitting that you're feeling anxious or angry can decrease the intensity of those emotions
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Challenge irrational thoughts by asking yourself if they are likely or rational, and reframe them with more realistic perspectives
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Physical activity, such as walking or running, releases serotonin and helps release emotional energy in a positive way
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Visualizing yourself calm and in control during stressful situations can aid in reducing anxiety
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Using a helpful mantra like "Will this matter next week?" can shift your focus and help you think rationally in tense moments
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Changing your environment or leaving the situation momentarily allows you time to regain focus and make better decisions
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Keeping a centering object, such as a locket or a small stone, can help ground you during moments of anxiety or anger
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Progressive muscle relaxation, starting from the toes and working upwards, can reduce tension and calm your body
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Dropping your shoulders and improving your posture while taking deep breaths can help relieve physical tension and promote calmness
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