3 Men Summit Mountain That Was Never Climbed

Image: ExplorersWeb

Muchu Chhish, a mountain in the Karakoram Range that was never climbed before, has finally been summited by three men, according to ExplorersWeb

Image: ExplorersWeb

A Czech team of Zdenek Hak, Radoslav Groh, and Jaroslav Bansky took six days to climb the highest unclimbed peak in the world

Image: ExplorersWeb

Climbers from the Czech Republic have reportedly tried to reach the summit thrice in the past four years and Groh was one of last year's members

Image: ExplorersWeb

According to Zdenek Hak they started on July 1 after the acclimatisation and stood on top on July 5

Image: ExplorersWeb

The Czech climbers have previously tried to climb Muchu Chhish in 2020, 2022, 2023

Image: ExplorersWeb

Last year, a team of Pavel Korinek, Pavel Bem, Radoslav Groh, and Tomas Petrecek nearly reached the summit before bad weather trapped them at the bottom of a final rock pyramid

Image: ExplorersWeb

They, however, retreated after running out of supplies and fuel

Image: ExplorersWeb

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