5 Reasons Why Mumbai Stops When It Rains

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For much of Mumbai, rain brings trouble as waterlogging disrupts life and sometimes even leads to horror stories

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But what is it about Mumbai that it cannot handle the rain without getting jammed almost every year during the monsoon season?

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Here are the five main factors that play a part

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The city has several low-lying areas and some quite high. Parts of it were built on land reclaimed in between seven islands, so there are saucer-shaped areas

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Mumbai's storm water drainage system empties out into the sea. During high tide, the drains are blocked by gates to prevent the sea water from gushing back into the city's drainage system

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In Mumbai, 90 per cent of the water is drained out through dedicated drains, putting added pressure on drainage system

Image: IANS

In recent years, Mumbai has seen some very heavy rain followed by dry spells, and then very heavy rain again. On the days of unusually heavy rainfall, even the drains with increased capacity can't really keep up

Image: IANS

Mumbai has massive encroachment along major drains, which makes the clearing of solid waste and silt a challenging task

Image: PTI

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