5 Smallest Islands In The World

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10 September 2024

Earth is filled with beautiful and captivating things. Did you know there are several tiny islands that have a unique charm and unimaginable small space

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These tiny islands are small in size, but huge in terms of character, uniqueness and appeal

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Check out these 5 smallest islands in the world

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Just Enough Room Island, US: This tiny island covers a mere 1005 square metres- making it the smallest inhabited island. The island has room for a cottage, a tree and tiny beach

Image: X/@HaggardHawks

Simping Island, Indonesia: Did you know Indonesia has 17,508 volcanic islands of different shapes and sizes. Simping Island is the smallest with a total width of 0.5 hectares

Image: Instagram/intherage

Dangar Island, Australia: Dangar Island is a 29-hectare stretch of land in the Hawkesbury River that's almost entirely forested

Image: Instagram/dangar_island

Fox Island, Alaska: Fox Island is widely regarded as the crown jewel of Alaska's Resurrection Bay. The 5.7 kilometres island has attracted many tourists

Image: X/@RunningtheGoat

Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands: Designated as a National Nature Reserve in 2017, this 5.6-square-kilometre dot boasts an abundance of wildlife – including five species of penguins, sea lions, elephant seals, giant petrels, and killer whales

Image: X/@LoveSongs4Peace

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