5 Unanswered Questions in Science 

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18 May 2024

Despite significant advancements in physics, several unsolved questions continue to keep scientists up at night. So, here's a look a 6 things physics still can't explain

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Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious components that makeup about 95% of the universe, yet their exact nature remains unknown, per NASA 

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While dark matter is inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter, dark energy is believed to be driving the accelerated expansion of the universe 

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The universe is referred to as matter-antimatter asymmetry, and its cause remains a major unsolved puzzle for cosmology and particle physics

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Earlier, it was known that matter and anti-matter were created in equal amounts. However, observations reveal an imbalance, and no one knows what caused it 

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The universe started with the big bang. Prior to the big bang cannot be observed, and after the big bang is practically unobservable, and is near the edge of our line of sight

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So, the actual origin of the universe, the conditions at the singularity and what (if anything) came before it remains an open question 

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Human consciousness, our innermost sense of self-awareness and personal identity, is another intriguing mystery in the universe

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We have a unique ability to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and memories. Yet, despite the centrality of consciousness to our human experience, it remains shrouded in mystery

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Time, a fundamental aspect of our existence, poses profound questions about its nature and origins 

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Scientists grapple with the concept of time and whether it is an emergent property of the universe or a fundamental building block 

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