5 Unsolved Ancient Mysteries

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From lost tombs to ancient burial sites, these mysteries have puzzled humans for centuries

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Nazca Lines
Created over 2,000 years ago, these humungous drawings in Peru have left archaeologists wondering

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The giant drawings were perfectly-symmetric but only seen after aircrafts began flying over the area in the 1930s

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Terracotta Army
The mausoleum of China's first emperor houses an army of 8,000 life-sized terracotta statues

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The enormous tomb has never been excavated but is said to hide treasures, replicas of castles and even deathly traps

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Cleopatra's Tomb
Cleopatra VII, the last queen of Egypt, was known for her unmatched beauty and power

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Yet the location of her tomb is a mystery. Some researchers believe it was lost to a tsunami in 365 AD

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Voynich Manuscript
In 1912, book dealer Wilfrid Voynich found an ancient manuscript filled with pictures of plants and naked women

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The FBI as well as Alan Turing, father of the modern computer, failed to decipher it. The manuscript is now kept at Yale University

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One of the most widely-known prehistoric sites in the world, Stonhenge was built 5,000 years ago

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Scientists say it was a burial site but it is not known how the huge rocks were transported to build it

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