5 World's Largest Hydroelectric Dams

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21 July 2024

Hydroelectric dams are marvels of modern engineering, harnessing the power of moving water to generate clean, renewable electricity

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These colossal structures not only provide clean energy but also play crucial roles in flood control, irrigation, and water navigation

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Here is a list of world's largest hydroelectric dam in the world according to World Economic Forum

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Three Gorges Dam, China: This behemoth on the Yangtze River boasts the title of the world's largest hydroelectric dam by installed capacity, churning out a staggering 22.5 gigawatts (GW) of power

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Itaipu Dam: A collaborative effort between Brazil and Paraguay, Itaipu utilizes the mighty Parana River to generate 14 GW of electricity

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Xiluodu Dam, China:  Following its neighbour upstream, Xiluodu Dam on the Jinsha River contributes 13.86 GW of clean energy to China's power grid

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Belo Monte Dam in Brazil has faced criticism from indigenous groups due to its significant environmental impact

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Guri Dam in China: Built in 1978, this dam produces a large portion of Venezula's electricity

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